Its not as if I didn't already know this, but Math is not my forte. My husband knows this all too well as he's witnessed my "finger math" time and time again throughout our 9+ years of marriage. So it should've come as no surprise when we received a important package in the mail this week from the USCIS thi week. I can't believe it, but apparently in spite of my meticulous organization when it has come to our adoption paperwork I failed to send a check for the correct amount for our I800a application. I shorted the government 20 bucks and that, my friends, is a BIG no-no. All of our application for "suitability to adopt a child from a Hague Convention country" was returned to us with a note that we underpaid and must resubmit everything. Jeesh... I guess this is why Mr. D had a fit with my sub-par math skills in Advanced Math back in high school.
What does this mean?
Well, it means a couple of things. First, we must resubmit our paperwork with the correct amount of money which is too much as it is but God has apparently had a few more things up his sleeve. I better recap where we're at with Carl's job search...
Because Carl lost his job we were already going to have to do an amendment to our application to update his employment situation within the next couple weeks. We were praying for Carl to find a new job FAST because so many things were contingent upon it...most importantly insurance! We have until the 31st to figure out our insurance situation which is coming really, really quickly. The amount of prayers and support and job leads Carl received was humbling and a blessing beyond our imagination. I'm not sure I could ever adequately describe what it feels like to be completely dependent on others for support in every way imaginable. This isn't the first time we've experienced that and my hunch is that it wont be the last if God has his way in our lives :) So the applications went flying out as Carl pursued every single lead that was shared with us, within a couple days the calls for interviews began (PRAISE GOD!!) and by Wednesday the 26th he received his first offer on the spot after his interview. The offer was okay, but the hours would be tough on our family. The benefits were good, but the job wouldn't begin until the very end of November. That would be a long time to go without any work but we were just so excited to hear "You're hired" that we figured the rest would sort itself out. Then a couple hours later Carl received a 2nd offer from a different company. Yep...I gotta believe that is a miracle. Another miracle God handcrafted for our family, and especially for my husband, to show us his mighty power and fulfillment of promises for us. Carl needed a job--In this economy, in this time, and FAST...that's what we prayed and what you prayed with us and he answered our prayers!! The second job offer was better. It had better pay, better hours and was also in the collections area...something that's not for everyone, but something which Carl has found as a niche because of his eagerness to help people get their money troubles straightened out and his kind, patient demeanor. The benefits? Not too bad. The best part? Adoption Benefit!!!!! Wells Fargo also had an adoption benefit for 5000.00 which we would have been eligible for and was actual a part of our decision to pursue adoption in the first place. Obviously, when Carl lost his job...we lost the adoption grant. BUT God had another plan. Carl's new job will also make us eligible to receive a similar adoption benefit. WOW!! It rings quite true to the bible study I'm doing right now, Beth Moore's "The Inheritance". She explained that God's very nature is to give...God will give and will take away, but ALWAYS gives back again. That's who He is!
So... Carl has a job, a good job, with benefits and it begins November 7th. A new we go!
As far as our application goes, our I800a application was returned to us on Wednesday, October 26th (the EXACT date Carl was hired at his new's that for God's perfect timing?) this means we may have a chance to correct mom's 20.00 slip-up AND update Carl's new employment status all in one shot. Maybe its not such a bad thing that math isn't mama's forte :)
Our I800a application was returned to us on Wednesday, October 26th.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
A Big Bump in the Road
This week we faced our very first giant bump in the road of our adoption. It could be described more accurately as a "rip your car into pieces kinda of crater" with our process. Carl lost his job on Wednesday. (Giant Sigh)
My first thought was we're going to lose our baby. Oh, the agony. I couldn't breathe. Carl was, as would be expected after nearly 10 years with the same company, devastated and in total shock. After a frantic phone call to our agency in tears, we received a wonderful call of encouragement and support. We've never doubted how wonderful Holt International was as an International Adoption Agency, but they have cemented their place in our hearts as more than an agency. They have rocked!!
Yes, we are overwhelmed and have no idea how we're going to pay for our adoption at this point BUT as long as Carl can secure a job of any kind (even helping out at my family's farm) with a very modest income within the next 30 days our process will not be impacted. We are still coming to get ya, baby girl! We will have to update our I800a paperwork with current employment within that 30 day mark so as to not impact our timeline and everything else.
Carl has already had an interview and has two more lined up for this next week, all of which have been very promising especially with his great work history. We've had such wonderful support from so many friends and family who have been praying for and encouraging us through this big bump in the road. We know and we trust that God's plan is bigger than our own. He's shown us over and over and over that He is in control of even the smallest of details. A job loss is not outside of his power. A new job is definitely not outside of his control and care and love for us. An unlikely adoption referral with the most perfect little girl for our family is absolutely within his power and HIS plan and HIS perfect timing.
While a job loss at this point in our adoption process feels pretty insurmountable, its NOT! We are moving forward bolding with our plans and trust that God has this all figured out. We'll just keep walking (and paper-chasing) for our special little girl...who just happened to have to get shots this week, she obviously wasn't happy (second from the left)-- :(
My first thought was we're going to lose our baby. Oh, the agony. I couldn't breathe. Carl was, as would be expected after nearly 10 years with the same company, devastated and in total shock. After a frantic phone call to our agency in tears, we received a wonderful call of encouragement and support. We've never doubted how wonderful Holt International was as an International Adoption Agency, but they have cemented their place in our hearts as more than an agency. They have rocked!!
Yes, we are overwhelmed and have no idea how we're going to pay for our adoption at this point BUT as long as Carl can secure a job of any kind (even helping out at my family's farm) with a very modest income within the next 30 days our process will not be impacted. We are still coming to get ya, baby girl! We will have to update our I800a paperwork with current employment within that 30 day mark so as to not impact our timeline and everything else.
Carl has already had an interview and has two more lined up for this next week, all of which have been very promising especially with his great work history. We've had such wonderful support from so many friends and family who have been praying for and encouraging us through this big bump in the road. We know and we trust that God's plan is bigger than our own. He's shown us over and over and over that He is in control of even the smallest of details. A job loss is not outside of his power. A new job is definitely not outside of his control and care and love for us. An unlikely adoption referral with the most perfect little girl for our family is absolutely within his power and HIS plan and HIS perfect timing.
While a job loss at this point in our adoption process feels pretty insurmountable, its NOT! We are moving forward bolding with our plans and trust that God has this all figured out. We'll just keep walking (and paper-chasing) for our special little girl...who just happened to have to get shots this week, she obviously wasn't happy (second from the left)-- :(
Friday, October 14, 2011
I800a submitted
The same time we sent off our documents to South Dakota's Secretary of State we also sent off a very important document to the USCIS. The full name of the document is the "Application for Determination of Suitability to Adopt a Child from a Convention Country" but its most commonly referred to as the I800a. The USCIS will go through our application and our approved home study and decide whether or not we are suitable to adopt a child from China. We are assured that this is not as scary as it sounds because we wouldn't have gotten pas the home study process if we didn't meet the guidelines.
Based on information taken from this is what happens now that we have sent our I800a off to Texas via express mail...
Based on information taken from this is what happens now that we have sent our I800a off to Texas via express mail...
- About 7-10 days after sending our USCIS Form I-800A and all supporting documents to the address listed above, we will receive a Notice of Receipt from the lockbox in Texas.
- Then our your application will be forward to the National Benefits Center (NBC) where all I-800A application are reviewed and approved!!
- Several weeks after that, we will receive your biometric (fingerprint) appointments from USCIS.
- Once we've been fingerprinted at our local USCIS office, an officer will be assigned to our case. He or she will review our homestudy and your fingerprints, and if all are acceptable will then issue approval our approval!!!
- Once your Form I-800A approval has been received by you in the mail, then you can notarize, state certify, and authenticate it for your dossier. This is our very last step before tying up loose ends and getting our Dossier to China (DTC)!!!
And so we wait...and wait some more...
Home Study Approved!
On Friday, October 14th we received a pretty awesome package in the mail. Our signed, sealed and delivered (not to mention notarized) Adoption Home Study! This is the document that contains, in writing, every facet of our family life that you can imagine and will demonstrate to Ch*na and the USCIS (immigration services) that our family meets eligibility criteria to adopt from Ch*na and bring our daughter home. One very big step has been made!!
Next step? Send all of our documents off to the South Dakota Secretary of State to verify that the notary's we used and the documents we have prepared are "authentic." This should only take a couple of days and our documents went in the mail TODAY!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Most Beautiful Birthday Girl in the World
Do you care to see the most beautiful birthday girl from the East in the world? Of course, you do! We were blessed to find a precious picture update this morning of some birthday photos of our little China doll at her foster home posted on their website. I'm sure you'll agree she's simply scrumptious. Sweet daughter of mine, You are an absolute treasure!
And you definitely are the most beautiful birthday girl in the world because Mommy & Daddy say so :)
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Making a very important wish... |
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Ohhh!! |
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Are you really coming for me? Yes, baby...we are! |
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
She Chose Life
Dear Birth Mother,
I know that today must be a very hard day for you. I remember that day, too. I remember how you held me and said goodbye. I remember the scared look on your face and the tears that fell and kept coming. I remember how you fed me and loved me those special days after I was born. I know you did the only thing you could do for me out of love. When I was placed on that chair, I know that you chose that special place carefully. I'm sure you thought that the pediatric ward of the hospital was the only place that could bring me hope and a chance at life. What a wonderful, careful choice you made! I am so blessed! You chose life for me, birth mother. I am so grateful for you. I am so grateful for this life you gave to me. You may have thought that I had no chance of living because of my special skin. You didn't know. That's okay. I'm going to grow up strong and healthy and absolutely beautiful. God has wrapped me in his arms from the moment you couldn't hold me any longer. I have a mommy coming for me and I am loved and cared for every day of my life. People all around the world have prayed for me. I know you have, too. I know that today you're thinking of me and wondering what might have happened. Oh, how my mommy wishes she could tell you the story and share with you the HOPE that I have because of God's powerful work in my life. My mommy and daddy are on their way to bring me home. They love me and know exactly how to take care of my skin because they have a little boy just like me and a big brother who I hear will be the best big brother in the world. I can't wait to go home, but I will always know that you were my first mother...the one who chose life for me, the one who loved me first, the one who opened up a beautiful future of Hope for me by making the most difficult choice. We are praying for you today, mother! We hope that you know you are loved and cherished by me and the family I will soon call my own.
Xiang Fei
Hope Isabella Xiang Fei Nagel
Today marks one year ago when our daughter was found on a chair outside of the entrance to the pediatric ward of a hospital in the Guangdong Province of China. I can only imagine what Hope's birth mother might have felt and experienced during the few short days she had with her child. While Hope will have no memories of her birth mother, I'm sure that she will spend plenty of time in her life wondering about who she was and what brought about her decision. I won't have answers to those questions, only guesses. These words may not be anything like what Hope will think and feel one day, but if she could talk today I wonder if this is what her letter to her birth mom might say. The thoughts and feelings she has about her adoption and her birth family are for her to uncover herself, but I will always be quick to share the most important piece...her mother, her family, chose life for her. I will always let her know that her mother's choice was a difficult one, but one that God has blessed richly with his love for her. That is what I know. I will never know the details of what events led to our daughter's arrival in a hospital on October 4th, 2010 but I have hope that God has been and will continue to wrap her birth mother in His arms all the days of her life, just the way he's done for my baby girl. That's what life is about...HOPE in Jesus Christ.
*The song playing on the blog today is in honor and thanksgiving for Hope's birth mother on this most difficult day for her. Thank you is not enough for the gift of a child. Thank you, Jesus for Hope!!
I know that today must be a very hard day for you. I remember that day, too. I remember how you held me and said goodbye. I remember the scared look on your face and the tears that fell and kept coming. I remember how you fed me and loved me those special days after I was born. I know you did the only thing you could do for me out of love. When I was placed on that chair, I know that you chose that special place carefully. I'm sure you thought that the pediatric ward of the hospital was the only place that could bring me hope and a chance at life. What a wonderful, careful choice you made! I am so blessed! You chose life for me, birth mother. I am so grateful for you. I am so grateful for this life you gave to me. You may have thought that I had no chance of living because of my special skin. You didn't know. That's okay. I'm going to grow up strong and healthy and absolutely beautiful. God has wrapped me in his arms from the moment you couldn't hold me any longer. I have a mommy coming for me and I am loved and cared for every day of my life. People all around the world have prayed for me. I know you have, too. I know that today you're thinking of me and wondering what might have happened. Oh, how my mommy wishes she could tell you the story and share with you the HOPE that I have because of God's powerful work in my life. My mommy and daddy are on their way to bring me home. They love me and know exactly how to take care of my skin because they have a little boy just like me and a big brother who I hear will be the best big brother in the world. I can't wait to go home, but I will always know that you were my first mother...the one who chose life for me, the one who loved me first, the one who opened up a beautiful future of Hope for me by making the most difficult choice. We are praying for you today, mother! We hope that you know you are loved and cherished by me and the family I will soon call my own.
Xiang Fei
Hope Isabella Xiang Fei Nagel
Today marks one year ago when our daughter was found on a chair outside of the entrance to the pediatric ward of a hospital in the Guangdong Province of China. I can only imagine what Hope's birth mother might have felt and experienced during the few short days she had with her child. While Hope will have no memories of her birth mother, I'm sure that she will spend plenty of time in her life wondering about who she was and what brought about her decision. I won't have answers to those questions, only guesses. These words may not be anything like what Hope will think and feel one day, but if she could talk today I wonder if this is what her letter to her birth mom might say. The thoughts and feelings she has about her adoption and her birth family are for her to uncover herself, but I will always be quick to share the most important piece...her mother, her family, chose life for her. I will always let her know that her mother's choice was a difficult one, but one that God has blessed richly with his love for her. That is what I know. I will never know the details of what events led to our daughter's arrival in a hospital on October 4th, 2010 but I have hope that God has been and will continue to wrap her birth mother in His arms all the days of her life, just the way he's done for my baby girl. That's what life is about...HOPE in Jesus Christ.
*The song playing on the blog today is in honor and thanksgiving for Hope's birth mother on this most difficult day for her. Thank you is not enough for the gift of a child. Thank you, Jesus for Hope!!
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