Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Accepted into the Program!

The news came tonight!  We have officially been accepted as a family in process to adopt a child from Holt's China Program.  WOW!  This is a big step in the right direction.  What that means is that we now have secured Holt as our adoption agency and they are going to lead us through the process to bring home our little treasure.  It also means we are now officially paper chasing our way toward the completion of our Home Study--a very big step in the adoption process.

Curious about the perks of being accepted into the China Program?

Well, first of all you have access to a wide array of resources describing every tiny detail of Holt's process of adopting from China.  It takes the form of a huge binder filled with very important information and, after a trip to Kinko's,  looks like this:

I fell asleep daydreaming of little girl names Wednesday night with tears in my eyes.  Its hard to explain, but it feels just like I did in the early days of my pregnancy with both of the boys.  The news today was just like getting a positive pregnancy test :)  What a great day!



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