Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Hope"-ful Update

I have gone back and forth about whether I should even be posting about Hope, the sweet little girl who has been pretty influential in getting our adoption plans rolling, until the time we are officially matched with a child. After all, Hope may not turn out to be our forever child and then what? What if I have all these updates and information about a little girl who turns out not to be our daughter at all? Something tells me that my sadness in not being able to snatch Hope up will be quickly filled with the joy of knowing who our child is and that Hope will have a family of her own as well.  Not to mention that our daughter, whoever she may be, will know that God uses all kinda of people and places together for the good of those who love him. There is no doubt about it. Hope is part of our daughter's story whether Hope is our daughter or not. Hope is being used for the good of our family and the good of our daughter-to-be. What a special gift she's already given to us all!

"It will all come out in the warsh." as Grandma Julia would say. While we wait to learn who our daughter will be, I am continuing to pray for Hope and loving her to the best of my ability as a "sponsor" from this side of the world.



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